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POZOR ZRUŠENO – Netanel Goldberg & Mitsch Kohn – Truth of now – koncert – ceremonie

Moc nám všem mrzí, že Vám přinášíme tuto zprávu..
Ahoj drazí a milovaní lidé.
Včera dostal Netanel dar chřipky (korony?) a v důsledku toho jsme k naší velké lítosti nuceni zrušit zítřejší představení v Praze.
Tak moc jsme chtěli zítra přijít a být s tebou
. Svět má ale tentokrát jiné záměry.
Brzy bude zaslán nový termín.
A mezitím jste zváni, abyste posílali uzdravení a modlitbu
S Laskou
Netanel & Mitsch
Koncert Netanel Goldberg & Mitsch Kohn – Live in Prague se přesouvá na jiný datum, vše dame během pár dní vědět.. .
Hello dear and beloved people.
Yesterday Natanel received the gift of the flu (corona?) and as a result, to our great regret, we are forced to cancel the performance tomorrow in Prague.
We wanted so much to come and be with you tomorrow
. But the world has different intentions this time.
A new date will be sent soon.
And in the meantime, you are invited to send healing and prayer
love you
Netanel & Mitsch
The Netanel Goldberg & Mitsch Kohn – Live in Prague concert is being moved to a different date, we’ll let you know in a few days…
Moc se omlouváme!

Zůstaňte v obraze, jaké akce se u nás dějí



15 Lis 2024
Platnost vypršela!


19:00 - 22:00


800 CZK


Sacred Chants
Sacred Chants
+420 774447781

Koncerty, posvátné zpěvy a mantry, které pronikají až do srdcí posluchačů plné poznání a inspirace. ✨


  • Mitsch Kohn
    Mitsch Kohn

    All truth is inside us already. With sound we can dive into inner dimensions that seemed to be covered before. Letting the mind go and diving into the flowing river of sound, new doors were opened we never expected that they are there.

    My intention is – with the intuitive music coming through me – to give space to explore these inner dimensions and unveil the inner truth. I love to accompany people in the process of connecting to their hearts and souls and understanding themselfes better. This can be by simply helping opening the hearts with music, or also a deep process work through all the shit that is still carried in the system, to let it go and install new paradigms in the subconcious.

    My gift is, to simply take things as they are and be with them in a loving presence. This allows me to accompany clients as far as they go, into deepest rough waters as well as in blissfull highs, whatever comes up.

    Music was always around me in my life, but it took a while to walk through my own shit and be ready for that gift fully. Once an innitiation connected the music to my spiritual path in 2011, a fully new dimension was offered to me and my life changed radically. From that point I realized a much deeper meaning of sound, music, intuition and healing, and I felt a deep and ongoing calling for this intuitive work, that fills me with gratitude and love the more I share it with the world.

    I play intuitive concerts solo or with international artists like Estas Tonne, Netanel Goldberg, Sascha Vaymer, Cataleya Fay and others, and co-create spaces with healers and teachers like Damien Wynne, Chuck Spezzano, Andreas Goldberg, Sascha Tetzlaff and others. With my own „intuitive medicine“ workshops I accompany people on their way to find their true essence, self-empowerment and lifepurpose in workshops and retreats.

  • Netanel Goldberg
    Netanel Goldberg

    Netanel Goldberg is a unique international voice artist with a tremendous, exciting and powerful vocal range.
    (Counter-tenor) ranging from a connection to high and heavenly frequencies to a penetrating and deep voice,
    A ladder between heaven and earth,
    spirit & body, a bridge between the ancient and the new.

    Netanel is a mentor of soul singing ceremonies around the world.
    A space that invites and encourages honest connection
    in shared and powerful singing.
    A place that allows deep and powerful connection with what lives within us and give it expression with
    our voice, heart, body & soul.

Místo konání


Meet Factory
Ke Sklárně 3213, Praha 5-Smíchov

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